About Me

Heather Hayes-Professional Genealogist specializing in Tennessee & Kentucky lineages, has 5 years of experience in family history research.  Research is conducted out of the McClung Library (Knoxville TN), area county libraries, and the Tennessee Historical Library (Nashville TN), as well as state to state travel and online searches.  I have done extensive research on my own family as far back as the 1500's and my husband's family as far back as 400 A.D. finding Welsh royalty in his linage.  Experiencing and overcoming brick walls in research, I have also experienced brick walls that were unable to be overcome.  I have previously done volunteer research for surrounding county libraries. I have been able to assist many people in their family heritage.  I give 100% of my time to doing genealogy research.  Please allow me to assist you in finding our own roots.  Thank you!